bad news

Liebe Grindcore- & Musicalfreund*innen,

wir haben schlechte Nachrichten. Leider müssen wir die Shows in Berlin und Chemnitz aus gesundheitlichen Gründen verschieben. Sobald Ersatztermine feststehen, geben wir natürlich Bescheid.

Für alle, die sich gefreut haben, auf den Shows die neue 10“ oder anderen Merch abzugreifen, werft gern einen Blick in unseren Shop! Vielleicht erleichtert es euch das Warten etwas:


Viele Grüße aus dem Urwald!

Dear animals, dear humans!

The longest hibernation ever seems to come to an end. After two years of turtle sickness we gonna start working on a long-standing dream: The world‘s very first Animalgrind Musical! As a movie first and – somewhen after corona apocalypse – also live on stage hopefully. Expect big feelings, goosebumps, dancing animals, fireworks, and: Grind Grind Grind!!!

See ya soon!

Wed, 25.10. (GER) MÜNSTER – Baracke
Thu, 26.10. (NL) ROTTERDAM – Worm
Fri, 27.10. (Need Help)
Sat, 28.10. (FR) RUPT SUR MOSELLE – Crustygrange
Sun, 29.10. (FR) BESANCON – Les Passagers du Zinc
Mon, 30.10. (CH) BIEL – Bahnhöfli
Tue, 31.10. (CH) BASEL – Hirscheneck
Wed, 01.11. (GER) SCHWÄBISCH HALL – Club Alpha
Thu, 02.11. (CZ) PRAHA – Baryton
Fri, 03.11. (GER) DRESDEN – Südkiez P2
Sat, 04.11. (GER) BERLIN – Tommy Haus

2017 – 10 Years Anniversary of Animalgrind

The Kings of Animalgrind live:
13. April Weimar – Gerber (W/ Cyness & Reactory)
14. April Bremgarten – 25 Jahre Kuzeb Festival (W/ Cyness, Night Fever & more )
15. April Freiburg – Schattenparker (W/ Cyness & more )
16. April Karlsruhe – P8 (W/ Trigger, Crytic Void, Ill Neglect)
22. April Hamburg – Lobusch
(10 Years Animalgrind Anniversary Party W/ Distress & Wojczech)

Also on tour end of the year!

Plus a New Full-Length in Spring!
Kings of Animalgrind LP 2017



Hibernation again!


We gonna take a rest now, looking forward to an exciting year 2017. We will celebrate our 10th anniversary, release a new record (the Kings of Animalgrind LP, which is almost on the way to the pressing plant) and go on tour in autumn.

See you in Spring! Good Night!

Home Again!

danke hund

After traveling so many kilometers by bus, train, two different vans, hitchhiking, ferry and plane finally we returned to our homes. This tour was an overwhelming experience! Thank you and big hugs to everyone who made this possible: Alex, Mitr and Distress, Petri and Feastem, our drivers Duser and Sergei, Vitali, Dima, Anja, Ivo and all the others who set up gigs and showed up!!! We miss you!!!